DIgital human

DIgital human


Västra Götalandsregionen




Exploring Digital Humans for Anxiety Support

Designing a New Booking and Community Platform for Tennis Across the UK



At the end of 2020, Deloitte Netherlands was engaged by Västra Götalandsregionen (VGR) in Sweden to develop a proof of concept (POC) for a digital solution aimed at supporting individuals with anxiety. The goal was to create a digital coach that could provide calming support in a preventative or waiting list setting.

The use case was proposed by Almira Osmanovic, E-health and Digitalisation Leader for Psychiatry at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, based on research suggesting that individuals with anxiety might feel more comfortable speaking to a digital human before seeking professional help. VGR planned to run a year-long clinical trial to evaluate its effectiveness.

Solution development

The POC was built on a technical platform developed by Deloitte Netherlands, leveraging software from Google and digital human technology from UneeQ.

As a CX designer, my role focussed on conversational and UX design, shaping the personality of the digital human, Betsy. I worked closely with Almira to ensure the experience aligned with medical considerations, as well as with a conversational design expert and developers to create a natural and empathetic interaction.

A key challenge was defining Betsy’s tone and language—ensuring responses were supportive rather than frustrating. For example, when addressing users in distress, Betsy needed to express concern over casualness or humor. Extensive user testing helped refine conversation flows to feel natural and effective.

Results & Conclusion

  • Usability: The text-based chatbot was rated more user-friendly than the digital human.

  • User Reactions: Both versions received average or above-average usability scores. Women were more likely to feel annoyed by Betsy.

  • Physiological Response: No significant differences were found in users’ physiological reactions (EEG measurements).

Conclusion: While the digital human offered a more engaging experience, the text-only chatbot was preferred for ease of use. These findings provide valuable insights into the role of digital humans in mental health support.

  • Usability: The text-based chatbot was rated more user-friendly than the digital human.

  • User Reactions: Both versions received average or above-average usability scores. Women were more likely to feel annoyed by Betsy.

  • Physiological Response: No significant differences were found in users’ physiological reactions (EEG measurements).

Conclusion: While the digital human offered a more engaging experience, the text-only chatbot was preferred for ease of use. These findings provide valuable insights into the role of digital humans in mental health support.

  • Usability: The text-based chatbot was rated more user-friendly than the digital human.

  • User Reactions: Both versions received average or above-average usability scores. Women were more likely to feel annoyed by Betsy.

  • Physiological Response: No significant differences were found in users’ physiological reactions (EEG measurements).

Conclusion: While the digital human offered a more engaging experience, the text-only chatbot was preferred for ease of use. These findings provide valuable insights into the role of digital humans in mental health support.

  • Usability: The text-based chatbot was rated more user-friendly than the digital human.

  • User Reactions: Both versions received average or above-average usability scores. Women were more likely to feel annoyed by Betsy.

  • Physiological Response: No significant differences were found in users’ physiological reactions (EEG measurements).

Conclusion: While the digital human offered a more engaging experience, the text-only chatbot was preferred for ease of use. These findings provide valuable insights into the role of digital humans in mental health support.

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Stay Tuned

Stay Tuned

Stay Tuned

Stay Tuned

Stay Tuned

Stay Tuned

Stay Tuned

Stay Tuned

Stay Tuned

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